BLOG 6 - My study Programme

BLOG 6 - My Study Programme Hi everyone! To begin with, I will introduce what career im studying, Im in psychology, this is my second year in college, and all my experiences had been very dinamic between them. My firts year was an actuales hard year, passing from high school to college and become a freshman was a really shocking thing in my life, and it was though gettting through all the changes that came with my new university student daily life. In my firts semester I was getting more confident because I could make the assignments a getting good grades. But i still had it a very negative about what were my new responsabilities and how I should act acord to them. So i get to struggle with a depression, anxiety, stress and been hesitate about every choise I could make in relation with my career, my favorite subjects in that firts part of the year were history of Chile and Psychobiology, and i had good times learning about all of that and making the works of the ...